All videos in this section were directed, produced, and edited by me in Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2015.3 or an earlier version. These videos also either premiered on WLHS 81 or are scheduled to in the near future.
When I began my study of journalism, I had no experience in video production, but I knew I wanted to learn. Fast forward four years, and I am confident in my use of Adobe Premiere Pro, have taught other students how to use the program, and, come April, I will be certified in the program.
Below is a compilation of three videos I am most proud of. The first is a public service announcement that I produced shortly after the release of President Donald Trump's "locker room talk". I felt so horrified by the things he had said and the implications it may have on the way women are treated that I chose to speak out against it. Following is an open-house video for a local Kindergarten. I was asked to produce a video to encourage parents of upcoming Kindergarten students to enroll their children at this specific school. Finally, I included a video that I call "Be the Change". This video was produced in an effort to remind girls that we can make a change regardless of how small we may feel.