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All pieces from this section are original pieces written by me, on assignment for The Lion's Roar.

The written word has always fascinated me, from the day I started reading when I was three years old. As I got older, I began writing my own stories, stories about personified plants (I distinctly remember the protagonists' names being Herb and Daisy). I then moved on to trying to create a one-woman magazine using Microsoft PowerPoint when I was in fifth grade, and it only continued from there. I am constantly looking for ways to improve my writing skills, because there is never a such thing as good enough. 

I also read everything I could get my hands on. I began to realize the power that writing could have as John Grisham inspired my brief desire to go to Harvard Law and become a State Prosecutor and Nancy Drew made me try my hand at detective work. Although neither my law career nor my detective work had a lasting impact, I realized that writing in general did. I wanted to use my writing talent to change the world. Though this may have been a little ambitious, writing can change the world and have a profound impact on society. Below I have included some of my writing that has been published for The Lion's Roar. To view each article as a Word.doc, please click the screenshot. 

© 2017 by Kathryn Packard, Proudly created with

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